On January 7, 2016, Ohio State Representatives, Sean
O’Brien and John Patterson, introduced House Bill No. 422 to the General Assembly addressing hydraulic
fracturing wastewater management. The principal purposes of the bill are to
require recording and notification of disposal well leasing, review the current
permitting system for underground injection wells and implement additional
waste discharge fees. The provisions of the bill would amend and repeal some
sections of the Ohio Revised Code.
H.B. 422 also provides for a new hydraulic fracturing
waste tracking system requiring “each
registered transporter [to] attach a telemetric sensor to all [vehicles] employed in transporting or disposing of
brine” so that all shipments of hydraulic fracturing fluids are recorded. The
bill would also mandate that “the owner of an injection well . . . submit a
daily report . . . stating how many gallons of brine and other waste substances
were received from each registered transporter that day.”
Each holder of a permit for waste injection wells
would have to pay either a five cents or twenty cents fee per barrel fee depending
on the location of produced waste substances. The discharge fee is to be paid
to the Ohio DNR Division of Oil and Gas.
Written by Chloe Marie - Research Fellow
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