On July 21, 2015, the
scientific journal Environmental Science
& Technology published a study
entitled “The Depths of Hydraulic Fracturing and Accompanying Water Use across
the United States.” The study analyzes the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on
drinking water sources in the case of shallow wells or wells with minimum
separation between groundwater aquifers and natural gas sources.
Based on their
database, the researchers concluded that 16% of wells utilized high volume
hydraulic fracturing within a mile of the surface. Consequently, they raised
the concern that the proximity between those wells and the surface may
compromise underground drinking water sources without adequate protection.
The researchers
examined and compared regulations of states having the greatest number of wells
drilled to depths shallower than one mile - which are Alabama, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah,
Virginia and Wyoming. After reviewing those regulations, the authors noted that
all states have a “general performance standard requiring oil and gas
operations to protect groundwater.” For better predictability of potential
impacts on water, however, they recommended additional safeguards, such as
further geologic and hydrologic data, mandatory registry for all hydraulic
fracturing occurring shallower than 3.000 feet, and predrilling and
post-stimulation water testing.
Written by Chloe Marie - Research Fellow
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