Brennan Weintraub - Research Assistant
Jackie Schweichler - Education Programs Coordinator
The following information is an update of recent local,
state, national, and international legal developments relevant to shale gas.
Pipelines: Virginia DEQ Approves Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Environmental Protection Plans
On October 19, 2018, the Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality
approved three environmental protection plans submitted by Dominion Energy
as part of its Atlantic Coast Pipeline project. The
plans will seek to control erosion and sediment, manage stormwater runoff,
and protect the “karst” geography of the area. The
pipeline, once completed, will carry 1.5 billion cubic feet per day of
natural gas from West Virginia to North Carolina. Dominion Energy currently
expects to begin service in late 2019.
Pipelines: Landowners in Pipeline Eminent Domain Case
Request Review by the U.S. Supreme Court
On October 23, 2018, a group of landowners contesting the
use of eminent domain for the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline
filed a
Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. The landowners’
lawsuit was dismissed at both the federal district and appellate levels for
lack of subject-matter jurisdiction.
Pipelines: Army Corps Suspends Two More Water Crossing
Permits for Mountain Valley Pipeline
On October 19, 2018, the U.S. Department of the Army Corps
of Engineers (Army)
suspended two additional Nationwide Permits for the Mountain Valley
Pipeline (MVP) project. The two permits apply to 32 miles of proposed
pipeline located in Wetzel and Harrison Counties, West Virginia. Water
crossing impacts for these permits include 59 stream crossings and 62 wetland
crossings. Army is suspending these
permits in light of permit suspensions from earlier this month. The
October 2, 2018, suspension applied to water crossings within the Huntington
District and the October 5, 2018, permit suspension applied to water crossings
in the Commonwealth of Virginia. According to Mountain Valley Pipeline,
as of October 22, 2018, there are no pipeline crossings in waters of the U.S.
currently under construction.
State Regulation: Study Finds That Colorado Oil & Gas
Proposition Could Limit Access to Minerals
On October 19, 2018, Professor Peter Maniloff of the
Colorado School of Mines published his
analysis of the potential effects of Proposition 112 on oil and gas
drilling in the state. The proposition, if passed, would require all drilling
sites in Colorado be at least 2500 feet away from “vulnerable areas,” including
schools and residences. Professor Maniloff found that roughly 15 percent of
non-federal land in the state would be available for drilling, though he noted
that 42 percent of non-federal subsurface would be accessible through
horizontal drilling.
Water Quality: Penn State Study Examines Mussel Shells to
Track Oil and Gas Drilling Chemicals
On October 22, 2018, Penn State News
announced a new research study on the effects of hydraulic fracturing
wastewaters on the freshwater mussel. The researchers collected
freshwater mussels from upstream and downstream of a National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System-permitted facility. Researchers also
collected mussels from areas in the Juniata and Delaware Rivers where there is
no oil and gas wastewater discharge. The
researchers found changes in the shells of mussels that corresponded to the
time period of wastewater disposal in 2009-2011. The researchers state
that freshwater mussels could be “used to monitor changes in water chemistry
through time and help identify pollutant sources.” The study, Accumulation
of Marcellus Formation Oil and Gas Wastewater Metals in Freshwater Mussel
Shells, was published in Environmental Science & Technology.
From the National Oil & Gas Law Experts:
Charles Sartain, Colorado
Proposition 112: What's the Fuss About?, Gray Reed (October 25, 2018)
Conrad Hester and Sam Fubara, Existential
[Lease] Crisis: Crow v. Lookadoo and When a Lease is in Existence,
Thompson & Knight (October 28, 2018)
Pennsylvania Legislation
2746: Referred to Consumer Affairs (October 19, 2018) legislation would
prohibit natural gas lines from being built within 100 meters from a “dwelling
2154: Re-reported as committed from Appropriations (Oct. 17, 2108) act
would re-enact Oil and Gas Act of 1984 with various changes
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ShaleLaw HotLinks:
win for Trump, Merkel changes course on U.S. gas imports” - Wall Street
in oil industry result in fewer buyers for Minnesota, Wisconsin frac sand”
- Minneapolis Star Tribune
visit to oil and gas conference highlights methane concerns” - Public News
Minnesota governor will face big pipeline decision” - Minneapolis Star
trade issues impact energy deals” - Hart Energy
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This week we published one new Shale Law in the Spotlight
article: Shale
Law in the Spotlight – Colorado Proposition 112 Seeks to Expand Minimum Setback
Distances for Oil and Gas Development
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