Written by Chloe Marie – Research Fellow
The Global Shale Law
Compendium series addresses legal developments and other issues related to the
governance of shale oil and gas activities in various countries and regions of
the world. In this article, we will focus to legal, policy, and governance issues
related to shale gas development in the United States, and more specifically in
the state of Michigan.
state of Michigan holds significant oil and natural gas fields and development has
been focused on Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula. According to the U.S. EIA, the Antrim Gas Field, located in
the northern Lower Peninsula, is one of the top 100 natural gas fields in the
country and ranked 29th for proved reserves. The Antrim Gas Field
also is home to approximately 1 Tcf of shale gas resources.
technique of hydraulic fracturing is not new in Michigan as it was first used
in 1952. Since that time, the Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division (OGMD) within the
Michigan Department of Environmental (DEQ) has granted permits to hydraulically
fracture approximately 12,000 wells. According to the DEQ’s map identifying high volume hydraulic
fracturing activities, 39 wells have utilized the technique since 2008. The largest cluster of wells is in Kalkaska
energy companies have shown interest in developing the Collingwood Shale, also
located in Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula. A subsidiary of Encana
Corporation drilled its first exploratory well in 2010
in Missaukee County, which well later produced about 2.5 million cubic feet of
shale gas per day for a period of 30 days. Based on the production levels and falling
natural gas prices, Encana’s subsidiary decided to step aside from shale gas
development in the area in 2014 to focus on projects more economically viable
outside Michigan.
Michigan, oil and gas activities, including the use of hydraulic fracturing,
are governed primarily by Part 615 and Part 617 of the Natural Resources and
Environmental Protection Act of 1994. Under this Act, the Michigan DEQ OGMD is
responsible for overseeing the oil and gas permitting process.
well operator is required to submit a permit application to OGMD and must
comply with additional requirements when seeking to use hydraulic fracturing.
These additional requirements include providing a list of all chemical
compounds to be used in a high volume hydraulic fracturing operation. Applicants
must make publicly available information on all chemical additives used during
hydraulic fracturing through the FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry.
addition, any permittee is required to file a special request with OGMD in
order to withdraw a large volume of water for hydraulic fracturing using the
Michigan Water Withdrawal Assessment Tool (WWAT). The regulations also require
anyone involved in high volume hydraulic fracturing to develop a plan for the baseline
sampling of water wells.
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