The following information is an update of recent,
local, state, national, and international legal developments relevant to shale
USGS shows
evidence of water contamination in WV from wastewater injection wells
On May 9, 2016, scientists from the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS), Duke University, and the University of Missouri released two
studies, respectively entitled “Wastewater disposal from unconventional oil and gas development degrades stream quality at a West Virginia injection facility” and “Endocrine disrupting activities of
surface water associated with a West Virginia oil and gas
industry wastewater disposal site.” The studies address the impacts of deep disposal
wells on water quality in West Virginia. The USGS declared that the studies’ results show “evidence indicating
the presence of wastewaters from unconventional oil and gas production was
found in surface waters and sediments near an underground injection well near
Fayetteville, West Virginia.”
PHMSA releases
preliminary findings concerning pipeline explosion in Pennsylvania
On May 3, 2016, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued a corrective action order concerning the Texas Eastern Transmission (TETco)
pipeline’s explosion on April 29, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In its
preliminary findings, PHMSA “identified evidence of corrosion along two of the
circumferential welds” even though it declared that “the cause of the Failure
is unknown at this time, and the investigation is ongoing.” PHMSA also ordered
Texas Eastern Transmission, LP, to comply with corrective action requirements,
such as proposing re-start plans including exposure and testing procedures.
Supreme Court issues opinions on local fracking bans
On May 2, 2016, the Supreme Court of the State of
Colorado issued two distinct opinions responding to the question whether
home-rule cities are preempted from promulgating local land use regulations
that prohibit the use of hydraulic fracturing in oil and gas operations and the
storage of such waste within city limits. In the case City of Longmont v. Colo.
Oil and Gas Ass’n, Justice Gabriel concluded that “the inalienable rights provision of the
Colorado Constitution does not save the fracking ban from preemption by state
law.” As for the case City of Fort Collins v. Colo. Oil and Gas Ass’n, Justice Gabriel,
similarly, opined that “Fort Collins’s five-year moratorium on fracking
. . . is a matter of mixed state and local concern and, therefore, is subject
to preemption by state law.”
UK study shows
that hydraulic fracturing is unlikely to pollute groundwater unless
hydrogeologically connected to aquifers
On April 27, 2016, Professor Paul L. Younger, Rankine
Chair of Engineering at the University of Glasgow, UK, released a study
entitled “How can we be sure fracking will not
pollute aquifers? Lessons from a major longwall coal mining analogue (Selby,
Yorkshire, UK)” published in
the journal Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society
of Edinburgh. The study addressed the potential of groundwater contamination
from hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production by drawing an analogy with
the hydrogeological history of underground coal mining in the UK. Professor
Paul L. Younger reached the conclusion that “there are no prima facie geochemical, hydrogeological or geochemical reasons why
unconventional gas resources in northern England and Scotland could not be
developed without causing aquifer pollution.”
IFO addresses Governor Wolf’s severance tax proposal as part of its revenue
On April 20, 2016, the Pennsylvania Independent Fiscal
Office (IFO) released a report entitled “Analysis of Revenue Proposals FY
2016-17 Executive Budget” addressing all tax and revenue proposals submitted by Governor Tom Wolf
in the state fiscal year 2016-2017. As part of the report, IFO examined
Governor Wolf’s severance tax proposal for unconventional natural gas and
alleged that “the total lifetime [effective tax rate] for Pennsylvania is the highest among comparison
states: 6.5 percent based on market value at the hub, or 8.5 percent based on
value at the wellhead.”
Written by Chloe Marie - Research Fellow
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