Tuesday, December 1, 2015

UK Government Announces Its Direct Participation in Planning Decision Making

On November 26, 2015, British Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark sent a letter the Lancashire County Council indicating his intention to determine decisions on planning appeals filed by Cuadrilla Resources with the Planning Inspectorate. These appeals challenge the Lancashire County Council’s decision to deny planning permissions to Cuadrilla Resources for shale gas exploration.

In June 2015, the Lancashire County Council’s Development Control Committee rejected Cuadrilla Resources’ applications to develop unconventional well sites, respectively located at Roseacre Wood, Preston New Road and Little Plumpton, alleging potential nuisance and associated damages. In September 2015, Cuadrilla Resources filed appeals with the Planning Inspectorate, the executive agency in charge of planning appeals. Those appeals will be heard at a Public Inquiry – an adversarial forum similar to a court of a law – in February 2016.

In accordance with the new planning guidance developed in August 2015, the British Government retains the right to thoroughly examine the appeal process of any planning permission denials related to shale gas exploration and extraction.

The Lancashire County Council and Cuadrilla Resources’ reactions to this letter have been made available on their respective websites. 

Written by Chloe Marie - Research Fellow

1 comment:

  1. decisions on planning appeals filed by Cuadrilla Resources with the Planning Inspectorate. These appeals challenge the Lancashire County Council’s decision to deny planning permissions to Cuadrilla Resources for shale gas exploration.

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