Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force Releases Draft Recommendations Addressing Pipeline Infrastructure Development in Pennsylvania

Recently, the Pennsylvania Pipeline Infrastructure Task Force released a draft report outlining findings and recommendations to create a “world-class pipeline infrastructure system” throughout Pennsylvania. Natural gas pipeline infrastructure is poised to expand because growth in natural gas demand is far ahead of the capacity of existing infrastructure.

Different workgroups are working in close collaboration to help the Task Force in developing permitting & construction guidelines and policy tools to mitigate the environmental and community impacts of new infrastructure development.

The workgroups developed 184 recommendations – among them educating landowners on pipeline development issues, promoting wildlife habitat opportunities along pipeline corridors, integrating pipeline development in county comprehensive plans, establishing setbacks from wetlands and watercourses, consulting with federally recognized tribes on Section 106-related facilities, and creating energy opportunity zones.

A public comment period is open through December 14, 2015 and a final report will be submitted to Governor Wolf in February 2016.

Further information is available at:

Written by Chloe Marie - Research Fellow

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